Monday, May 28, 2012

Michigan's Super Drunk Driving Law means stiff penalties for high blood alcohol {BAC} content drivers.

Beginning in October, 31, 2010 Michigan created a new law for people charged with Operating while Intoxicated or OWI. The new law is commonly referred to as "Super Drunk Driving or Operating with a High BAC. A driver can be charged with this enhanced form of drunk driving if their breathalyzer result is .17 or higher. Aggressive Grand Rapids Drunk Driving Lawyer The offense is still a misdemeanor but it carries substantially higher penalties if convicted. For Instance, a regular OWI is up to 93 days in jail but a High BAC offense is up to 180 days in jail. The fines and court costs are also higher. License sanctions are much srticter for a High BAC offense. Instead of a 6 month suspension for OWI, the Super Drunk Driver receives a 1 year suspension. And, no restricted license will be issued without proof of installation of a ignition interlock device. Additionally, there are other sanctions for the High BAC driver. If a driver is charged with a High BAC offense in Michigan it is important to seek counsel immediately to avoid these devastating sanctions. At the Law Offices of Gerald R Stahl, we routinely help drivers charged with Super Drunk Driving throughout all Western Michigan Courts. Our goal is get these charges dropped or reduced. Grand Rapid's Best Drunk Driving Defense Lawyer Gerald R Stahl is conveniently located near Knapp's Corner and the 63rd District Court in Grand Rapids. Serving Kent, Allegan and Ottawa Counties for your criminal defense needs.