Saturday, June 29, 2013

Every driver should have uninsured/underinsured auto Insurance with high policy and the limits?

The fact is, that now more than ever, it is important for driver's to have good policy limits. That is, policy limits for bodily injury in case you cause an accident and injure someone. But what happens when you suffer devastating and life changing injuries in a car accident that is not your fault? Grand Rapids Auto Accident Lawyer Most people think, don't worry, I'll sue. Not so fast. What happens if the person who hit you only has $20,000.00 of insurance and no assets. Some people will get insurance off the internet and get the cheapest policy just so they can driver the off the lot. The only way you can protect yourself is with uninsured or under-insured motorist coverage.Uninsured and Under Insured Motorists in Michigan For instance, if you have uninsured motorist coverage of $250,000.00 and you are injured by someone with $20,000.00 policy limits, you can recover up to $230,000.00 from your policy. I see plenty of people who make the mistake of having low policy limits and later regret that decision.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Grand Rapids man on motorcycle involved in road rage causes serious injuries to innocent motorcylist

On June 19, 2013 in late afternoon traffic a 54 year old Rockford Michigan man got involved in road rage and reckless driving while traveling south on Northland Drive in Kent County. The 54 year old man lost control of his vehicle and crossed the center line medium directly into the path of a North bound oncoming motorcycle. The 40 year old women operating the Northbound motorcycle sustained numerous serious injuries and fractures including her pelvis, right femur, right arm, right hand and teeth. West Michigan Injury Lawyer She also sustained several contusions, lacerations and deep cuts. Grand Rapids Personal Injury Lawyer The case points out the great risk of injury that can occur to innocent driver's caught in or near a road rage incident.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Aaron Hernandez Investigation Will Take Time

After multiple botched investigations in high profile cases, such as, OJ Simpson and Jon Benet Ramsey, investigators will likely take their time investigating, Aaron Hernandez. Hernandez is certainly a person of interest in the death of semipro football player Odin Lloyd on June 18, 2013. Apparently, the two men were friends and Hernandez was one of the last people to see him alive. Odin was found shot to death approximately 1/2 mile from the Hernandez home. The police obtained a search warrant and have sent teams of investigators to the Hernandez. Search Warrant Requirements and Michigan Criminal Defense. 

The police have also sent Divers to a pond behind the Hernandez home, undoubtedly looking for a murder weapon. Although Hernandez has been rumored to have a hot temper, that certainly cannot be the basis for an arrest. The investigator's will be trying to piece together a circumstantial case using text messages, emails, and phone records. This process requires a lot of manpower and time. In the mean time, Hernandez is not saying much to the public. In my experience, more often than not a suspect will publicly deny their involvement. Grand Rapids Criminal Defense Lawyer