Friday, March 23, 2012

Are DUI Sobriety checkpoints legal in Michigan?

In Michigan, and other states, the courts have struggled with the question of whether DUI Roadblocks, or sobriety checkpoints, are constitutional. The problem is obvious that the police are intruding upon your freedom by conducting a search and seizure without any probable cause. Grand Rapids Criminal Defense. The US Supreme Court has held that these checkpoints are constitutional under the theory that the police conduct is a minimal intrusion that is outweighed by the greater interest in keeping the public highways safe. Fortunately, the Michigan Supreme Court believes that sobriety checkpoints are a violation of The Michigan State Constitution. Several other states are agreeing with Michigan and protecting their citizens against unreasonable searches and seizures. Gerald R Stahl has been protecting the rights of people charged with Drunk Driving and Operating While Intoxicated in Grand Rapids, Michigan for over 30 years. Grand Rapids Drunk Driving Defense