Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Do I have to take both a PBT test and another alcohol test in Michigan if I am suspected of drunk driving?

There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding your rights in Michigan when being investigated for drunk driving. If you are stopped by the police for operating while intoxicated in Michigan you may be asked to take a preliminary breath test or PBT. West Michigan Drunk Driving Lawyer This is a hand held breathalyzer. If you refuse the PBT, it is a civil infraction that carries a fine of $150.00 plus costs. The PBT is inadmissible in court. The officer will also read your chemical test rights.Grand Rapids Michigan Drunk Driving Help. Regardless of whether you take the PBT, you still are required to take the evidentiary test under the Michigan Implied Consent Law. Michigan Secretay of State Facts In Michigan all drivers are presumed to have consented to that test. So, if you refuse that second test there are severe consequences. You will receive 6 points added to your driving record and your license will be suspended for one year. And, these consequences are separate from the penalties for the underlying traffic offense. Best Defense Drunk Driving in Michigan. Attorney Gerald R Stahl has represented hundreds of individuals suspected of drunk driving in Michigan counties. Those counties include Kent, Ottawa, Berry, Allegan,  Ionia, Newaygo, Muskegon, Kalamazoo, and Montcalm.