Friday, June 24, 2011

Congress to vote on bill that could end conflicts between state and federal law on marijuana issues.

A republican and a democrat are teaming up in a highly controversial piece of legislation to end the disconnect between the federal law and a states right to sovereignty over legalization of marijuana. Reps. Ron Paul and Barney Frank will have a fight but the law needs to be debated and changed. The forefront of  the debate  is the legal use of  medical marijuana that has been adopted in several states while the federal government continues to enforce the federal ban against any legal use of marijuana. Grand Rapids Marijuana Defense Lawyer The proponents of the law say the war on drugs is a failure and that allowing states to legalize marijuana would take the control away from dealers and drug lords in favor of state taxation and regulation. Representative Frank suggests that it is no different from alcohol or tobacco use in that it is up to the individual and it should not be punished as a crime if the citizens of a state want to legalize it. Michigan presently allows use of medical marijuana. Medical Marijuana Defense in Michigan. Some states have already decriminalized the use or possession of marijuana. The bottom line is that it is time to tax and regulate marijuana. Attorney Gerald R. Stahl has represented people charged with marijuana offenses for 30 years.