Thursday, March 31, 2011

Driver Responsibliity Fees in Michigan Unfair?

The State of Michigan, via the Secretary of State, assesses Michigan Driver Responsibility Fees to people with too many points, drunk drivers and other violators. The rational is that the State is going to punish bad driver's. But, the real reason is that the state is broke and just looking for more money. Remember that in all these cases the driver has already been to court and paid fines. And, in some cases,  in addition to fines,  the court  has ordered the driver to spend  time in jail, has had their license revoked, is paying for probation supervision, performing community service, and must pay a driver's license reinstatement fee. Many attorney's and some Judges feel the practice is unfair and arguably a violation of the double jeopardy clause of the Constitution. But, until the legislature or courts change the law, driver's have to pay.