Monday, April 16, 2012

Mandated Speed limiter in Semi Trucks would promote safety on Nations Highways.

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration believes that there are clear safety benefits to electronically govern the speed of semi trucks and commercial vehicles on the highway.Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Apparently, they have conducted studies through The  American Transportation Research Institute and another agency and found that there would be major benefits to safety if semi trucks were equipped with an active speed limiter. American Transportation Research Institute Speed obviously is a factor that impacts the death and serious injury rate in a commercial vehicle or semi truck accident. Grand Rapids Semi Crash Lawyer The American Transportation Association would like to see legislation to mandate these devises on as many trucks as possible. As an accident attorney, Gerald R Stahl has helped numerous people seriously injured in commercial vehicle and semi truck accidents. Grand Rapids Injury Lawyer The mandatory placement of a speed limiter in commercial vehicles is a good idea to promote public safety.